Editor’s Pick: In the vast expanse of military history, there are moments that transcend the ordinary, a confluence of destiny, character, and opportunity that shapes the course of nations. Such a moment has arrived with the ascent of Gen. MK to the helm of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) as the new Chief of Defence…
The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, this Monday presiding over the vetting of new ministers at Parliament Buildings in Kampala with Hon Daudi Kabanda President Museveni last week appointed Balaam Barugahara as State Minister for Youth and Children Affairs, Lilian Aber as Minister of State for Relief and Disaster Preparedness, and Dr Kenneth Omona as…
Acholi says, ” Opuk ma laco ki neno I Mac!” That a male Tortoise is seen when on fire!”. Yes, president Museveni proved that he is not only wise, but loves his BAZAKULU and wishes Uganda well. BALAAM Bagaruhara Ateenyi -From Makerere University Flukers’ Association [ MUFA] TO Minister; that’s why DR. Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi’s…